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Senior Helpers Franchise for Sale
Senior Helpers Franchise for Sale
Senior Helpers Franchise for Sale

Senior Helpers Franchise for Sale

Franchise Units
  • Canadian N/A
  • USA 319
  • International N/A
  • Corporate N/A

Franchise Fee
  • Starting From $55,000
Liquid Capital Required
  • Starting From $55,000
Total Investment
  • Starting From $127,800
In Business Since
  • 2001
Franchising Since
  • 2005

Industry Leading Senior Care Franchise Senior Helpers is a leading provider of quality, compassionate, in-home care and assistance for the elderly. We provide you with the necessary tools and training to help set you up for success.


Senior Helpers Franchise for Sale

  • A growing population of the world is made up of senior citizens in need of quality in-home care.
  • In America senior demographics will grow by 25% over the next 10 years.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly a quarter of the world’s population (2 billion people) will be 60 years or older by 2050 and nearly 20% of them will be 85 years old.
  • The United Nations has released a “World Population Aging” report which states that the rate of growth in people over the age of 80 is expected to be about 2% every year. This means that the market for senior care businesses will continue to expand.
  • According to US Census data there will be 84 Million Seniors in the US by 2050.
  • Since COVID-19 the elderly population prefers to remain in the safety and comfort of their own home where they can receive high quality care.

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