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Home > In Canada, Franchise For Sale > Service Franchises For Sale > Janitorial Franchise Opportunities

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RENUE SYSTEMS DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISESENTER INTO AN EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE INDUSTRYAre you looking for a unique industry-leading franchise business with a strong track record, tremendous franchisor support and a well-known reputation for providing world-class quality services?We’re looking for solid, winning partners we can count on—partners who are interested in joining a team to capitalize on our strong customer relationships using our proven systems. With Renue Systems, you’ll collaborate with us to serve high-profile customers in the growing hospitality industry. You’ll help them maintain their properties to top standards, so they’ll achieve the highest satisfaction scores from their guests. And you’ll benefit from:Your own protected territory, where you’re a preferred vendor to sell to and service international customers locallyAffiliation with a growing franchise system that gives you extensive sales, operational and business-building supportOperating in a market leadership position in a specialized segmentServing as both a cost-saver and revenue generator for your customersCandidate Buying PointsLow start-up cost and overhead, as just about all you’ll need is a vehicle, phone, and a small team of trained techniciansStrong customer base of leading hospitality industry clients that have chosen Renue as their preferred vendorUnique and specialized business that’s difficult for customers to handle internallyExtensive training and support, at our home office and your location at the beginning and on an ongoing basisLimited competition, as no other company has our scope of services, reputation for quality, geographic footprint, and name recognitionRecognized industry expertise with proprietary lines of chemicals, equipment and methodologiesLarge and expanding market that demands an increasingly higher-quality service performed by an outside company