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MLS#C8061577*Showing by appointment only, do not disturb staff. *Collectibles Store For Sale – 31 Years in Business! Step into a treasure trove of history with this well-established antique collectibles store. Featuring an impressive array of valuable items, including pieces from the Northern Wei, Tang Dynasty, and Sanxingdui culture, this store boasts an unrivaled collection of renowned ceramic works. Each item is a collector’s dream, with values ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. 491 sqft corner unit with four-sided glass, ideal for showcasing the stunning collection. A solid base of repeat customers, including many visitors from the US. Price Include property and inventory. This is a unique opportunity for an antique enthusiast or a savvy entrepreneur to continue the legacy of a highly respected business in the world of antique collectibles. The current owner is retiring and hopes to find someone who will cherish and grow this beloved store.Please contact the listing agent for more information today! *仅接受预约参观,请勿打扰员工。* **出售收藏品古董店 – 已经营31年!** 这家老字号的古董收藏品店已经经营了31年。店内陈列着一系列令人印象深刻的珍贵物品,包括北魏、唐代和三星堆文化的艺术品。这家店还自豪的拥有无与伦比的很多知名陶瓷作品收藏。每件物品都是收藏家的梦想,价值在$100,000到$200,000不等。491平方英尺的角单元,四面玻璃,非常适合展示这些惊艳的收藏品。拥有稳定的回头客基础,包括许多来自美国的游客。价格包括物业和库存。这是一个独特的机会,适合古董爱好者或精明的企业家继续这个备受尊敬的古董收藏品业务的传承。现任店主即将退休,希望找到一位能够珍惜股东藏品,并且愿意发展古董店铺生意的买家。请立即联系挂牌代理了解更多信息!
Located in a prime Richmond area near a bustling community shopping center and Save-On-Foods, this well-known dessert café is a gem for anyone seeking a steady income and a cozy business. Specializing in handmade cakes, a variety of drinks, and light refreshments, the café has built a loyal customer base and is easy to operate. With a warm, inviting atmosphere and ample parking, it’s the perfect spot for customers to relax and unwind. The space is also highly versatile, featuring 200-amp and 225-amp electric panels, making it ideal for transforming into other cuisines such as Vietnamese or Japanese ramen. Whether you continue the beloved dessert concept or bring your own vision to life, this café offers endless possibilities in an unbeatable location.列治文黄金位置甜品店出售!  店铺位于列治文繁忙的 Garden City 商业圈购物广场内,所在 Plaza 功能齐全,周边不仅有 Save-On-Foods 超市,还有 Shoppers 药房、Canada Post 邮局、健身房、CIBC 银行等多种生活设施,吸引大量客流。周围汇集零售店、办公室和公寓,客源稳定,人流密集。  店铺于 2023 年全新装修,内设双卫生间,装修精美,氛围温馨舒适。目前主营各类手工甜品,包括蛋糕、烘焙点心及多样化的创意甜品,深受顾客喜爱,运营轻松上手。配备两个电力面板,总计提供 425amp 电力,空间灵活,可转型为越南餐、日式拉面等其他餐饮项目。  店内设备齐全、储备充足,并拥有充足的 Plaza 停车位。此外,店铺运营自己的社交媒体平台(Facebook 和 Instagram),进一步提升品牌知名度。  无论延续甜品业务还是实现您的创业构想,都是一个良好的生意机会!