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C8067054*Showings by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff. * Located in the heart of Maggie Benston Food Court at SFU, the franchised mini hot pot food court restaurant brings the bold and authentic flavors of Malatang right to campus, making it the perfect spot for students, faculty, and staff craving a warming, customizable meal at any time. Conveniently situated near key student hubs, it offers a build-your-own hotpot experience, cooked fresh and served fast, where you can mix and match fresh food with a full variety of signature broths. With rich and varied options, generous portions, and a vibrant atmosphere, the Malatang restaurant at Maggie Benston Food Court is set to become the ultimate destination for flavorful comfort food at SFU. Turkey Business with full training and timely support to daily operation from Franchise head office.Contact the listing agent today for details!*仅限预约看店,请勿打扰员工。*位于 SFU Maggie Benston 美食广场 的这家 连锁麻辣烫餐厅 将地道正宗的 麻辣烫 美味带到校园,成为学生、教职员工随时享用热腾腾、可定制美食的理想去处。餐厅地理位置优越,紧邻校园核心区域,提供 自选食材火锅体验,顾客可自由搭配新鲜食材,并选择多种特色汤底,现煮现卖,快速上桌。凭借丰富多样的食材选择、份量十足的餐品和热闹的用餐氛围,这家 Maggie Benston 美食广场的麻辣烫餐厅 将成为 SFU 校园内深受欢迎的美食胜地。作为一家 一站式交钥匙创业项目,总部提供 全面培训和持续运营支持,确保日常运营顺畅,助力长远成功。立即联系代理经纪人获取详情!
MLS#C8061577*Showing by appointment only, do not disturb staff. *Collectibles Store For Sale – 31 Years in Business! Step into a treasure trove of history with this well-established antique collectibles store. Featuring an impressive array of valuable items, including pieces from the Northern Wei, Tang Dynasty, and Sanxingdui culture, this store boasts an unrivaled collection of renowned ceramic works. Each item is a collector’s dream, with values ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. 491 sqft corner unit with four-sided glass, ideal for showcasing the stunning collection. A solid base of repeat customers, including many visitors from the US. Price Include property and inventory. This is a unique opportunity for an antique enthusiast or a savvy entrepreneur to continue the legacy of a highly respected business in the world of antique collectibles. The current owner is retiring and hopes to find someone who will cherish and grow this beloved store.Please contact the listing agent for more information today! *仅接受预约参观,请勿打扰员工。* **出售收藏品古董店 – 已经营31年!** 这家老字号的古董收藏品店已经经营了31年。店内陈列着一系列令人印象深刻的珍贵物品,包括北魏、唐代和三星堆文化的艺术品。这家店还自豪的拥有无与伦比的很多知名陶瓷作品收藏。每件物品都是收藏家的梦想,价值在$100,000到$200,000不等。491平方英尺的角单元,四面玻璃,非常适合展示这些惊艳的收藏品。拥有稳定的回头客基础,包括许多来自美国的游客。价格包括物业和库存。这是一个独特的机会,适合古董爱好者或精明的企业家继续这个备受尊敬的古董收藏品业务的传承。现任店主即将退休,希望找到一位能够珍惜股东藏品,并且愿意发展古董店铺生意的买家。请立即联系挂牌代理了解更多信息!