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Home > In Canada, Business For Sale > Restaurants For Sale > Dine In Restaurants For Sale

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C8067088*Showing by appointment only, do not disturb staff. * Own a Turnkey Bubble Tea & Taiwanese Restaurant in Downtown Vancouver! Don’t miss out on this profitable, high-traffic restaurant opportunity near University Canada West (UCW), attracting students, professionals, and food enthusiasts. With $600K invested in renovations and $200K for a franchised menu, this modern and trendy 1,900 SF space is perfect for versatile concepts, including brunch, Malatang, or a lounge bar, unlocking revenue from dine-in, takeout, and delivery. With a 60-seat liquor license, fully equipped kitchen, strong branding, a stable lease at a reasonable rate, and a loyal customer base, Kurotaki House offers tremendous growth potential in Vancouver’s thriving food scene. Whether you want to carry on the brand or introduce a new concept, the opportunities are endless! Step in and thrive—contact the listing agent today!仅限预约参观,请勿打扰工作人员。 拥有温哥华市中心即开即营的台湾餐厅与奶茶店! 不要错过这个位于加拿大西门大学(UCW)附近的盈利稳定、人流量超高的餐饮商机,吸引学生、上班族和美食爱好者。600K装修投资和200K加盟菜单费用,这家现代时尚的1900平方英尺空间设计灵活,可适应各种经营概念,包括早午餐、麻辣烫或休闲酒吧,可通过堂食、外带和外卖产生多重收入。店内配有60座酒牌、设备齐全的厨房、强大的品牌效应、合理租金的稳定租约和忠实的客户群,Kurotaki House为温哥华蓬勃发展的餐饮市场提供了巨大的增长潜力。无论是继承现有品牌还是引入新概念,机会无限!即刻接手,迈向成功—请联系代理经纪人了解详情!
imPerfect Fresh Eats  - -FAST, HEALTHY & DELICIOUSEXCITING NEW CENTRAL HUB OPPORTUNITY - imPerfect Fresh Eats | DOWNTOWN BARRIEAddress:  55 DUNLOP STREET WEST, BARRIE, ONALL IN PRICE: $220K All you need is $95k down payment plus work capital. And we will arrange financing for the balance.DOWNTOWN BARRIE LOCATION INFORMATION:Located in the heart of downtown Barrie.Corner Location – 914 sqftNorth facing location with exterior access and Interior access This location will be located in a new emerging community which will be the new central hub of Downtown Barrie.Location will benefit from a Rejuvenated waterfront, welcoming approximately 210,000 new residents to Barrie over the next 10 years. Located directly on the major artery to Downtown Barrie, Dunlop Street.High vehicle traffic on Dunlop StreetHigh Volume central location near HWY 400OUR PHILOSOPHYEAT REAL FOOD We think food is perfect just the way it is: unmodified, unrefined, unprocessed. We serve only the highest-quality, real, whole foods to maintain optimal nutrition and food integrity.SUSTAINABILITY We work closely with our suppliers to help implement industry-leading strategies for carbon minimization. Our goal is to support farmers and producers who participate in regenerative practices—ones that give more to the land than they take away.CREATE MOMENTUM We believe that every day is an opportunity for growth and innovation. At imPerfect our daily habits and routines create a pathway for forward motion to make an impact.FAST, HEALTHY & DELICIOUSFast food is no longer synonymous with fast and unhealthy food, but rather unique cuisine found in urban spaces.In recent years, the demand for healthy food and food of high nutritional value that is still exciting and innovative and that you can enjoy without regret has grown.On the other hand, the pace of life is faster, we spend more and more time at work sitting at our desks and often eat “on the go”. The last three decades have been characterized by the opening of fast-food chains which offer affordable quick meals. But is there a healthier version of these meals? One that reconciles these two trends - to eat healthy & delicious food, that is also quick and available to everyone? For more information, please contact Bruno Piva.