Weekly sales $14,000, 20% cigarettes with 15% profit margin. Grocery 80%. Lottery commission over $25,000 a year. Rent $4,800 + HST + property tax . 5+5 year lease. The tenant can sublet part of the store. 8 parking spaces are available. There is a lot of potential here if the buyer starts to sell flowers and vegetable again since the owner could do over 50k weekly sales before.
Convenience Store & Lotto Franchises for Sale
Catering Franchise Opportunities
Construction & Landscaping Franchise Opportunities
Manufacturing Franchises for Sale
Advertising & Promotional Franchises for Sale
Beauty & Personal Care Franchises for Sale
Liquor Franchises for Sale
Laundromat & Dry Cleaning Franchise Opportunities
Smoke & Vape Shop Franchises for Sale
Hotel & Motel Franchises for Sale
Commercial Buildings for Sale or Lease
Commercial Spaces for Sale or Lease
Places of Worship for Sale
Industrial Buildings for Sale or Lease
Warehouses for Sale or Lease
Industrial Units for Sale or Rent
Plazas for Sale
Land & Developments for Sale
Mixed Use Buildings for Sale or Rent
Houses & Condos for Sale or Lease
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