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Home > In Canada, British Columbia, Business For Sale > Manufacturing Businesses For Sale

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MLS#C8067020*Confidential Listing. Showing by Appointment Only*Profitable Cabinet Business for Sale! Both the 2105 sf showroom and 12000 sf warehouse are located at Richmond, this is a well-established cabinetry business with over 30 years of success in retail, wholesale and distribution. Offering high-quality, in-demand cabinet styles and premium finishes, this turnkey operation comes with a fully stocked showroom, full list of supplier/contractor/builder connections, and trained staff, ensuring a seamless transition for new owners. Approximately half a million dollars worth of INVENTORY INCLUDED. With a prime location, strong customer base, and efficient manufacturing, this is a high-margin, revenue-generating business for anyone interested in the industry.*暗盘生意转让,请联系代理经纪获取NDA及预约参观*盈利橱柜生意出售! 此橱柜经销商拥有2105 SF展厅和12,000 SF仓库均位于列治文中心地段,是一家拥有30多年成功经验的知名橱零售和批发企业,主营高品质、市场热销的橱柜款式和高级饰面。生意转让包括大约价值500K库存!本生意配备全套现货展厅、稳定供应链和高效且经验丰富的团队,卖家且提供全部供货商、客户、合作方清单,新买家可无缝接手,即刻成功运营。得益于黄金地段、稳定客户群和高效的经营体系,此生意回报率高、投资稳定,非常适合企业家和投资者!请联系代理经纪获取更多信息!
A family founded and owned winery in the Okanagan Valley British Columbia.With over 20 years of operation, we have managed to build a large and loyal customer base including loyal members of our wine club who many have been our members for two decades.With a strong recognition in the industry, we enjoy over 70% of repetitive customers who are focusing on premium wines.Many of our wines have been awarded prestigious awards on the world stage.Over 95% of our wines have been sold directly to the final consumers.With a high ratio of bottles sold per visitor, we practically sell all our wine production every season.The current production capability of over 3,000 cases per season, is easily scalable to over 6,000 cases.Cultivating organic methods (appropriate equipment), our vineyard, with 19 - 21 years old vines, is located on a class #1 terroir.Our operation is well-equipped to support the entire business cycle - from growing the grapes to selling the wine.The production plant, the equipment and the operation setup enable high efficiency with a remarkable high productivity.Apart from the production plant and storage buildings we have a wine shop with an equipped kitchen, a lounge and a basement. Our licensed patio can host dozens of guests.Our ten-acre property also includes two dwelling buildings, an employees’ hut, agriculture equipment and materials sheds, irrigation booth and a cooling room.Our high quality, easy saleable, wine inventory, at the value of ~$K800, ensures smooth transactions to the new owners.The business is ready for the next leadership to continue the legacy of this stunning winery.The offer includes - land, buildings, equipment, inventory, licenses and reputation.Priced at CAD $M8.5
MLS#C8064982*Showing by appointment only, do not disturb staff. * Property + Business for Sale – Licensed Central Kitchen. Exceptional opportunity to acquire a well-maintained strata property with a licensed central kitchen located in a convenient transit-accessible area. This versatile 2,891 SF office/warehouse unit features an 825 SF second-floor area suitable for office or storage, rear grade loading for efficient operations, 18-foot ceiling height, and three-phase power to support heavy equipment. The property includes approximately $800,000 worth of food processing improvements and equipment, such as a walk-in cooler, freezer, and water-resistant walls in the processing area, designed for efficiency and hygiene. Situated in the prime Tilbury Industrial Park, it benefits from I2-Medium Impact Industrial Zoning, allowing for a wide range of industrial uses. All measurements are approximate; buyers are advised to verify if deemed important. Please contact the listing agent for more information today! *仅限预约看店,请勿打扰工作人员*  **物业+生意出售 | 持牌中央厨房**  位于交通便利的黄金地段,现有一间维护良好的分层物业+持牌中央厨房出售!整套物业面积约2,891平方英尺,含825平方英尺二楼空间,可用于办公或储物。后方地面装卸方便,层高18英尺,配备三相电力,轻松支持重型设备运作。  物业内附带约80万加元的食品加工设备和改良,包括冷藏库、冷冻库以及加工区的防水墙,设计科学高效,符合严格的卫生要求。  地处Tilbury工业园核心区域,享有I2中等影响工业分区政策,适合多种工业用途。  以上数据仅供参考,具体以实地测量为准。  有兴趣的朋友请尽快联系挂牌经纪人了解详情!