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Home Business For Sale Restaurants for Sale Asian Restaurants for Sale FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver!(6-530 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver!(6-530 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver!(6-530 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver!(6-530 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada)

FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver!(6-530 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada)


*Showing by appointment only, do not disturb staff. *
Turn-key business! Located at newly renovated FOOD COURT on Hornby St in Downtown Vancouver! One of the most successfully operated food courts surrounded by tons of office buildings & colleges. This 300 SF restaurant has the best location in the food court & equipped with a commercial ventilation canopy hood for cooking and exclusive additional storage spaces. Open 5 days a week with reasonable rent rate. Training will be provided.

Please contact listing agent for additional information.


绝佳转手商机!位于温哥华市中心Hornby街Vancity Bank和Scotia Bank旁全新装修的临街美食广场!食铺位于市中心最成功运营的美食广场之一“International Food Fair”,周围环绕着大量办公楼和高校,客人用餐区最新升级改造,提供更佳的用餐体验。营业时间短,客户消费密集,客源稳定。这家面积约300 SF的快餐美食铺拥有美食广场中最优越的位置,配备全商业厨房以及专属的额外储物空间。目前每周营业五天,营业时间早上10点至下午5点,适合夫妻或小家庭买家经营,营业时间轻松灵活,租金合理。此外可提供全面培训,帮助买家顺利接手经营。


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