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Home > In Canada, British Columbia, Business For Sale > Restaurants For Sale

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*Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff*Located in the heart of Port Co's central commercial cluster, this consistently profitable Chinese restaurant has an ideal location with significant foot traffic amidst numerous institutions and transportation hub with massive investment into upgrading equipment. 2,861 sqft restaurant space embracing large flow of dine-in customers and take-away orders. Fully equipped commercial kitchen with long canopies, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, seafood tank, a 140-seat liquor licence till 2:00 am as latest enhances the appeal.  Ample customer parking. Turnkey business to continue its success. Please contact the listing agent for more information.仅限预约参观,请勿打扰店家正常营业餐厅位于Port  Coquitlam繁忙商业中心的黄金位置,成功经营且拥有大量忠实顾客。周围聚集众多政府 行政机构及办公室,位于交通枢纽便利位置,餐厅装修精美敞亮,厨房设备齐全。餐厅面积为2,861 SQFT,配备齐全的商业厨房,长厨房抽风系统,步入式冷藏室、步入式冷冻室齐备,并有海鲜水箱。餐厅持有140座酒牌,最晚可持续营业至凌晨2点。有预留停车位和充足的客户停车位,为顾客提供便利舒适的用餐体验。转手即可立即营业,也适合其他类型的餐厅。有意者请联系挂牌经纪获取更多信息。 •    Port  Coquitlam Prime location  Port  Coquitlam商业中心黄金地段•    Surrounded by institutions and transportation hub with Massive Loyalty Customers  四周众多政府行政机构及办公室, 客源稳定,同类竞争少•    Walk-in Cooler / Walk-in Freezer / Fully Equipped 设施齐全,步入式冷柜,步入式冻柜,长抽风系统•    Liquor Licence permitted to 2:00 a.m.酒牌最晚可营业至深夜2点•    Turkey Business 转让可立即营业•    Exquisite Renovation Features 精美装修风格,适合多种餐厅用途需求
MLS#C8062669*Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff*Prime Restaurant for sale! Specializing in high-end private dining experiences. With a strong focus on modern French cuisine infused with Asian influences, offers a unique blend of flavors. Elegant and contemporary decor creates the perfect ambiance for both service and appointment customers alike. Chef with experience in Michelin-starred restaurants. Also offer on line ordering through website for takeout and delivery convenience. Reasonable rent and long-term lease. Google rating of 4.5 stars. Turnkey business. Don't miss this opportunity to own a prestigious restaurant known for its refined cuisine, exceptional service, and exquisite atmosphere. Confidential listing. Please contact listing agent for more information.*仅限预约参观,请勿打扰工作人员. *高档私房菜餐厅生意出售!餐厅以其精湛的烹饪技艺和独特的菜单吸引着许多食客。其菜肴融合了现代法式烹饪的精髓,并加入了亚洲烹饪的特色,味道鲜美,口感丰富。餐厅内部装修优雅时尚,无论是商务宴请还是私人约会,都能营造出完美的用餐氛围。主厨具有在米其林星级餐厅工作的经验,保证了菜品的高品质和创新性。此外,餐厅还提供在线订购服务,方便顾客在家享用美食。店铺租金合理,租期长,为投资者提供了稳定的经营基础。谷歌评分达到4.5星,顾客心中拥有良好口碑。这是一家机会难得的优质餐厅,不容错过!暗盘,请联系代理经纪Max Chiu了解更多信息。
C8062576*Showing by appointment only. Please do not disturb staff*Huge Opportunity to join an Award-Winning Japanese Ramen franchise of a worldwide recognized name! Originated in Tokyo since 2014, Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba has gone from a boom to an established genre, becoming a global leading chain brand with 62 locations worldwide. Now Kokoro is looking for partner to join the truly unbeatable location at the iconic W 4th Ave Vancouver, boasting a devoted customer base, embracing massive dine-in customers and take-out orders everyday. This location is 2,170 sqft on main floor plus 884 sqft basement space. Fully equipped commercial kitchen with walk-in cooler, a 78-seat liquor licence till latest 2:00 am enhances the appeal.  Well-established and turnkey business. 仅限预约参观。请勿打扰工作人员。绝佳机会加入全球知名的获奖日式拌面连锁品牌!Kokoro Tokyo Mazesoba自2014年起源于日本东京,如今已成功成为全球领先的日式拌面连锁品牌,多次获得业内奖项及赞誉,在全球范围内拥有62家分店。目前Kokoro正在寻找合作伙伴加入位于温哥华W 4th Ave绝佳地段的分店。该店拥有忠实的客户群体,每天接待大量堂食顾客和外卖订单。该店铺主层面积为2,170平方英尺,地下室空间为884平方英尺。齐全的全套商用厨房设备,配有步入式冷藏库,持有78个座位的酒牌,营业时间至最晚凌晨2点,极具吸引力。运营简单,业务成熟稳定,转手即可营业,绝佳机会不容错过。