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Home Business For Sale Beauty & Personal Care Businesses for Sale Barber Shops for Sale Well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza(1323-8368 Capstan Way,Richmond)
Well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza(1323-8368 Capstan Way,Richmond)
Well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza(1323-8368 Capstan Way,Richmond)
Well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza(1323-8368 Capstan Way,Richmond)

Well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza(1323-8368 Capstan Way,Richmond)


Prime opportunity to own a well-established hair salon in the busy Richmond Union Square plaza. This 1063 sqft modern-style salon is fully equipped and ready for business. With a long history of loyal clientele, it offers a strong foundation for continued success. The plaza’s high foot traffic and ample parking make it a convenient and attractive destination for customers


发廊位于列治文新城市广场(Union Square Centre),地处繁华商业区核心地带。广场是当地人日常消费、娱乐的热门去处,周边餐饮、零售设施齐全,常年人流密集,为发廊带来稳定客源和广阔发展空间。

交通便利,停车位充足,顾客无论来自周边社区还是专程购物,都能轻松抵达。发廊面积1063平方英尺,200AMP三相电。现代风格装修,设备齐全.有二层开放式空间,带有Laundry room。 一楼附带Handicap Washroom。 大厅挑高明亮大气,有三个洗头位,客户体验感舒适。




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