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Tutor Doctor Franchise for Sale
Tutor Doctor Franchise for Sale
Tutor Doctor Franchise for Sale

Tutor Doctor Franchise for Sale

Franchise Units
  • Canadian N/A
  • USA 369
  • International N/A
  • Corporate N/A

Franchise Fee
  • Starting From $124,400
Liquid Capital Required
  • Starting From $65,000
Total Investment
  • Starting From $94,295
In Business Since
  • 2000
Franchising Since
  • 2007

Tutor Doctor is a well-established business model that has been helping students since 2000. We started franchising in 2008. Since then, we have expanded to over 700+ franchised territories in more than 15 countries on 5 continents. Tutor Doctor Franchise owners operate this white-collar, home-based business by managing a network of tutors. Benefit from our successful one-to-one tutoring model that eliminates the need for high overhead costs associated with a traditional brick and mortar business. Prime protected territories are still available in most areas. Learning shouldn’t be a chore and Tutor Doctor makes it fun and rewarding.


Tutor Doctor Franchise for Sale

  • Home Based: Keeps overhead low which enables franchisees to offer our premium services at an affordable rate.
  • Quick Ramp Up: Franchisees are consistently booking consultations with customers during their first week in the business!
  • CRM: Proprietary internet-based software designed specifically for running a Tutor Doctor franchise.
  • Premium Service: One-to-one learning focuses on the needs of the individual student, as opposed to a group approach. Parents and students love this approach!
  • Streamlined Business Process: Tutor Doctor provides full-scale lead generation, marketing, and tutor recruitment support.
  • Ongoing Support: a team of dedicated Tutor Doctor personnel will help you build the business of your dreams (you are not alone).